Senin, 15 September 2008

Tips and Trick for Listening for a successful Communication

It's not easy to be a good listener. Here are a few elements to ensure you do an effective communication..
  1. Listening VS Hearing : Hearing is done without any active participation. Listening is a mental exercise requiring active & conscientious participation
  2. Demonstrating Empathy : Empathy is one of the main characteristics of a good listener. To respond appropriately, the listener must "read" the messenger & his message.
  3. Shutting Out the Environment :To center his attention on the messenger, the listener must concentrate & avoid distraction.
  4. Make the message meet : A common problem with having an effective conversation is when each one of the participants is trying to say something different.
Effective communication requires an empathy, open mind, and availability that the modern world does not always permit.
It's the task of both messenger & listener to create conditions that make real communications possible.

" Too often we underestimate the power of touch, a smile,a kind word,a listening ear, an honest compliment , or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around " (Leo Buscaglia,American Author1924-1998)

Taken from Manager Mentor at Aston Denpasar Hotel & Convention Center
Conducted by Ms. Maggy, Aston International Indonesia

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