Selasa, 25 November 2008

Gayatri Mantra


More info about Gayatri mantra

The Gayatri Mantra is most famous and powerful mantra ("power sound prayer") of Hinduism. It is said to have been revealed to the great sage Vishwamitra, preceptor of Prince Rama of the Ramayana religious epic. Its origin, however, is believed to have been the supreme creative force Brahma, before the Vedic scriptures were revealed. Thus the Gayatri mantra has been named "Vedamata" (Mother of the Vedas).

Every devout Brahmin is required to perform the Gayatri mantra each morning and evening. The mantra is addressed to the sun as "Savitri," personified as a goddess, wife of Brahma. The mantra translates roughly as "Earth, sky, heaven, we meditate on these and the ineffable light and power of the resplendent sun, may it guide our understanding."
The three regions of earth, sky, and heaven are also associated with physical, emotional, and mental states. Mantras, when properly intoned, vibrate the body. Some practitioners have combined the repetition of the Gayatri mantra with pranayama (breathing techniques) in order to activate the psychic body, especially as it is pictured in the chakras or mystical centers, and thus arouse kundalini energy (which is seen as resting latent at the base of the spine) to transform consciousness.

The Gayatri Mantra is a highly revered mantra in Hinduism, second only to the mantra Om. It consists of the prefix om bhur bhuvah svaha, formula taken from the Yajurveda, and the verse 3.62.10 of the Rigveda (which is an example of the Gayatri mantra). Since all the other three Vedas contain much material rearranged from the Rig Veda, the Gayatri mantra is found in all the four Vedas. The deva invoked in this mantra is Savitr, and hence the mantra is also called Savitri.
By many Hindus, the Gayatri is seen as a Divine awakening of the mind and soul, and within it a way to reach the most Supreme form of existence, and the way to Union with Brahman. Understanding, and purely loving the essence of the Gayatri Mantra is seen by many to be one, if not the most powerful ways to attain God. (source:

Selasa, 11 November 2008

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Salam sukses

Kamis, 06 November 2008

4 seasons and the changes - Lessons on life

There was a man who had four sons. He wanted his sons
to learn not to judge things too quickly. So he sent
them each on a quest, in turn, to go and look at a
pear tree that was a great distance away.

The first son went in the winter, the second in the
spring, the third in summer, and the youngest son in
the fall.

When they had all gone and come back, he called them
together to describe what they had seen.

The first son said that the tree was ugly, bent, and
twisted. The second son said no it was covered with
green buds and full of promise.

The third son disagreed; he said it was laden with
blossoms that smelled so sweet and looked so beautiful,
it was the most graceful thing he had ever seen.

The last son disagreed with all of them; he said it
was ripe and drooping with fruit, full of life and

The man then explained to his sons that they were all
right, because they had each seen but only one season
in the tree's life.

He told them that you cannot judge a tree, or a
person, by only one season, and that the essence of
who they are and the pleasure, joy, and love that come
from that life can only be measured at the end, when
all the seasons are up.

If you give up when it's winter, you will miss the
promise of your spring, the beauty of your summer,
fulfillment of your fall.


Don't let the pain of one season destroy the joy of
all the rest.
Dont judge life by one difficult season.
Persevere through the difficult patches and better
times are sure to come some time or later.

Rabu, 05 November 2008

Wanita Super

Pernahkah kau pikirkan aku
Pernahkah kau anggapku penting
Pernahkah kau tanyakan aku
Yang ku mau yang ku rasa yang ku inginkan

Kau mencariku aku ada
Kau ingin cinta ku berikan
Ku lakukan semua mau mu
Penuhi permintaanmu terus dan terus

Aku bukan wanita super
Aku ingin juga kau sayang
Aku ingin juga cinta mu lebih dan lebih

Aku bukan wanita super
Selalu ada saat kau butuh
Terus sempurna di depanmu terus dan terus
Jangankan aku takkan ada yang bisa

Pernahkah kau mencintaiku
Pernahkah kau menerima
Kelemahan yang aku punya
Karna slama ini untukmu ku begitu

" Kekasih yang Tak Dianggap "

Aku mentari tapi tak menghangatkanmu
Aku pelangi tak memberi warna di hidupmu
Aku sang bulan tak menerangi malammu
Akulah bintang yg hilang ditelan kegelapan
Selalu itu yg kau ucapkan padaku

Sebagai kekasih yg tak dianggap
Aku hanya bisa mencoba mengalah
Menahan setiap amarah
Aku sang bulan tak menerangi malammu
Aku lah bintang yg hilang ditelan kegelapan

Back to Reff:
Sebagai kekasih yg tak dianggap
Aku hanya bisa mencoba bersabar
Ku yakin kau kan berubah

Today's Dreams Are Tomorrow's Successes

Don't be afraid of high hopes
or plans that seem to be out of reach.
Life is meant to be experienced,
and every situation allows for
learning and growth.

Motivation is a positive starting point,
and action places you on a forward path.
A dream is a blueprint
of a goal not yet achieved;
the only difference between the two
is the effort involved in attaining
what you hope to accomplish.

Let your mind and heart urge you on;
allow the power of your will
to lead you to your destination.

Don't count the steps ahead;
just add up the total
of steps already covered,
and multiply it by
faith, confidence, and endurance.

Always remember that
for those who persist,
today's dreams are transformed
into tomorrow's successes.

~ Kelly D. Caron ~

Believe In Yourself And Your Dreams Will Come True

Know what you can and want to do in life.

Set goals for yourself and work hard to achieve them.

Strive to have fun every day.

Use your creativity as a means of expressing your feelings.

Be sensitive in viewing the world.

Develop a sense of confidence.

Be honest with yourself and with others.

Follow your heart and adhere to your own truths.

Know that the more you give the more you will receive.

Believe in yourself and your dreams will come true.

~ Susan Polis Schutz ~

You Can Be Whatever You Want To Be!

There is inside you
all of the potential
to be whatever you want to be,
all of the energy
to do whatever you want to do.

Imagine yourself as you would like to be,
doing what you want to do,
and each day, take one step
towards your dream.

And though at times it may seem too
difficult to continue,
hold on to your dream.

One morning you will awake to find
that you are the person you dreamed of,
doing what you wanted to do,
simply because you had the courage
to believe in your potential
and to hold on to your dream.

~ Donna Levine ~

Your Dimension Of Greatness

No one can know the potential,
Of a life that is committed to win;
With courage - the challenge it faces,
To achieve great success in the end!

So, explore the Dimension of Greatness,
And believe that the world CAN be won;
By a mind that is fully committed,
KNOWING the task can be done!

Your world has no place for the skeptic,
No room for the DOUBTER to stand;
To weaken your firm resolution
That you CAN EXCEL in this land!

We must have VISION TO SEE our potential,
And FAITH TO BELIEVE that we can;
Then COURAGE TO ACT with conviction,
To become what GOD MEANT us to be!

So, possess the strength and the courage,
To conquer WHATEVER you choose;
That is destined FOREVER to lose!

~ Author Unknown ~

Senin, 03 November 2008

Pria & Wanita

Ada sebuah kisah tentang penciptaan pria & wanita. Pada saat Sang Pencipta
telah selesai menciptakan pria. Ia baru menyadari bahwa Ia juga harus
menciptakan wanita.

Padahal semua bahan untuk menciptakan manusia sudah habis dipakai untuk
menciptakan pria. Kemudian Sang Pencipta merenung sejenak, dan kemudian Ia
mengambil lingkaran bulan purnama, kelenturan ranting pohon anggur, goyang
rumput yang tertiup angin, mekarnya bunga, kelangsingan dari buluh galah,
sinar dari matahari, tetes embun dan tiupan angin.

Ia juga mengambil rasa takut dari kelinci dan rasa sombong dari merak,
kelembutan dari dada burung dan kekerasan dari intan, rasa manis dari madu
dan kekejaman dari harimau, panas dari api dan dingin dari salju, keaktifan
bicara dari burung kutilang dan nyanyian dari burung bul-bul, kepalsuan dari
burung bangau dan kesetiaan dari induk singa.

Dengan mencampurkannya bahan semua itu, maka Sang Pencipta membentuk wanita
dan memberikannya kepada pria. Pria itu merasa senang sekali karena hidupnya
tidak merana dan kesepian seorang diri.

Setelah satu minggu, pria itu datang kepada Tuhan, katanya: 'Tuhan,
ciptaan-Mu yang telah Engkau berikan kepadaku membuat hidupku tidak bahagia.
Ia bicara tiada henti sehingga aku tidak dapat beristirahat. Ia minta selalu
untuk diperhatikan. Ia mudah menangis karena hal-hal sepele. Aku datang
untuk mengembalikan wanita itu kepada-Mu, karena aku tidak bisa hidup

'Baiklah', kata Sang Pencipta. Dan Ia mengambilnya kembali. Beberapa minggu
kemudian, pria itu datang lagi kepada Tuhan, dan berkata, 'Tuhan, sejak aku
memberikan kembali wanita ciptaan-Mu, kini aku merana kesepian.

Tiada lagi yang memperhatikanku, tiada lagi yang menyayangiku. Aku selalu
memikirkan dia, ke mana pun aku pergi, aku selalu ingat dia. Makan tidak
enak, tidur tidak nyenyak. Aku rindu kepadanya. Di kala aku sendirian,
kubayangkan wajahnya yang cantik, kubayangkan bagaimana ia menari dan
menyanyi. Bagaimana ia melirik aku. Bagaimana ia bercakap-cakap dan manja
kepadaku. Ia sangat cantik untuk dipandang, dan sedemikian lembut untuk
disentuh. Aku suka akan senyumannya.

Tuhan, kembalikan lagi wanita itu kepadaku!'.

Sang Pencipta berkata, 'Baiklah'. Ia memberikan wanita itu kembali
kepadanya. Tetapi, tiga hari kemudian pria itu datang lagi kepada Tuhan dan
berkata, 'Tuhan, aku tidak mengerti. Mengapa dia memberikan lebih banyak
lagi kesusahan dari pada kegembiraan. Dia semakin menyebalkan. Aku tidak
tahan lagi dengan sikap dan tingkah lakunya. Aku berdoa kepada-Mu.

Ambillah kembali wanita itu. Aku tidak dapat lagi hidup dengannya'.

Sang Pencipta balik bertanya, 'Kamu tidak dapat hidup lagi dengannya?'.

Pria itu tertunduk malu, ia merasa putus asa. Dalam hatinya ia berkata, 'Apa
yang harus aku perbuat? Aku tidak dapat hidup dengannya, tetapi aku juga
tidak dapat hidup tanpa dia. Tuhan, ajarilah aku untuk mengerti apa arti
hidup ini?'.

'Belajarlah untuk memahami perbedaan dan belajarlah untuk berani menerima
perbedaan dalam hidupmu! Pahamilah dan usahakanlah apa yang menjadi
kebutuhan mendasar dari pasangan hidupmu!', jawab Tuhan.

Dan inilah enam kebutuhan mendasar pria dan wanita:
1. Wanita membutuhkan perhatian, dan pria membutuhkan kepercayaan.
2. Wanita membutuhkan pengertian, dan pria membutuhkan penerimaan.
3. Wanita membutuhkan rasa hormat, dan pria membutuhkan penghargaan.
4. Wanita membutuhkan kesetiaan, dan pria membutuhkan kekaguman.
5. Wanita membutuhkan penegasan, dan pria membutuhkan persetujuan.
6. Wanita membutuhkan jaminan, dan pria membutuhkan dorongan

Doa seorang gadis... untuk semua perempuan di dunia


Aku berdo'a untuk seorang pria yang akan menjadi bagian dari hidupku
Seseorang yang sungguh mencintaiMu lebih dari segala sesuatu
Seorang pria yang akan meletakkanku pada posisi kedua di hatinya setelah
Seorang pria yang hidup bukan untuk dirinya sendiri tetapi untukMu

Wajah tampan dan daya tarik fisik tidaklah penting
Yang penting adalah sebuah hati yang sungguh mencintai dan dekat dengan
dan berusaha menjadikan sifat-sifatMu ada pada dirinya

Dan ia haruslah mengetahui bagi siapa dan untuk
apa ia hidup sehingga hidupnya tidaklah sia-sia

Seseorang yang memiliki hati yang bijak tidak hanya otak yang cerdas
Seorang pria yang tidak hanya mencintaiku tapi juga menghormatiku
Seorang pria yang tidak hanya memujaku tetapi juga
dapat menasihatiku ketika aku berbuat salah

Seseorang yang mencintaiku bukan karena kecantikanku tapi karena hatiku
Seorang pria yang dapat menjadi sahabat terbaikku
dalam setiap waktu dan situasi Seseorang yang dapat membuatku merasa sebagai
seorang wanita ketika aku di sisinya

Aku tidak meminta seseorang yang sempurna namun
aku meminta seseorang yang tidak sempurna,
sehingga aku dapat membuatnya sempurna di mataMu
Seorang pria yang membutuhkan dukunganku sebagai peneguhnya
Seorang pria yang membutuhkan doaku untuk kehidupannya
Seseorang yang membutuhkan senyumku untuk mengatasi kesedihannya
Seseorang yang membutuhkan diriku untuk membuat
hidupnya menjadi sempurna


Aku juga meminta,
Buatlah aku menjadi wanita yang dapat membuatnya
Bangga Berikan aku hati yang sungguh mencintaiMu sehingga
aku dapat mencintainya dengan sekedar cintaku

Berikanlah sifat yang lembut sehingga kecantikanku datang dariMu
Berikanlah aku tangan sehingga aku selalu mampu berdoa untuknya
Berikanlah aku penglihatan sehingga aku dapat
melihat banyak hal baik dan bukan hal buruk dalam dirinya
Berikanlah aku lisan yang penuh dengan kata-kata bijaksana,
mampu memberikan semangat serta mendukungnya
setiap saat dan tersenyum untuk dirinya setiap pagi

Dan bilamana akhirnya kami akan bertemu, aku
berharap kami berdua dapat mengatakan:
"Betapa Maha Besarnya Engkau karena telah
memberikan kepadaku pasangan yang dapat membuat
hidupku menjadi sempurna."

Aku mengetahui bahwa Engkau ingin kami bertemu pada waktu yang tepat
Dan Engkau akan membuat segala sesuatunya indah
pada waktu yang telah Engkau tentukan



Takut akan kegagalan seharusnya tidak menjadi alasan
untuk tidak mencoba sesuatu.

Kepemimpinan adalah Anda sendiri dan apa yang Anda

Frederick Smith,
Pendiri Federal Express

Kejujuran adalah batu penjuru dari segala kesuksesan,
Pengakuan adalah motivasi terkuat.

Bahkan kritik dapat membangun rasa percaya diri saat
"disisipkan" diantara pujian.

May Kay Ash,
Pendiri Kosmetik Mary Kay

Jika Anda dapat memimpikannya, Anda dapat

Ingatlah, semua ini diawali dengan seekor tikus,
Tanpa inspirasi.... kita akan binasa.

Walt Disney,
Pendiri Walt Disney Corporation

Uang merupakan hamba yang sangat baik, tetapi tuan
yang sangat buruk.

P.T. Barnum,
Anggota Pendiri Sirkus Barnum & Bailey

Sumber kekuatan baru bukanlah uang yang berada dalam
genggaman tangan beberapa orang, namun informasi di
tangan orang banyak.

John Naisbitt,
Pemimpin Umum Naisbitt Group

Jenius adalah 1 % inspirasi dan 99 % keringat.
Tidak ada yang dapat menggantikan kerja keras.
Keberuntungan adalah sesuatu yang terjadi ketika
kesempatan bertemu dengan kesiapan.

Thomas A. Edison,
Penemu dan Pendiri Edison Electric Light Company

Ketika satu pintu tertutup, pintu lain terbuka;
namun terkadang kita melihat dan menyesali pintu
tertutup tersebut terlalu lama hingga kita tidak
melihat pintu lain yang telah terbuka.

Alexander Graham Bell,
Penemu dan Mantan Presiden National Geographic Society

Jangan biarkan jati diri menyatu dengan pekerjaan

Jika pekerjaan Anda lenyap, jati diri Anda tidak akan
pernah hilang.

Gordon Van Sauter,
Mantan Presiden CBS News

Hari ini Anda adalah orang yang sama dengan Anda di
lima tahun mendatang, kecuali dua hal : orang-orang di
sekeliling Anda dan buku-buku yang Anda baca.

Charles "Tremendeous" Jones,
Presiden Life Management Services, Inc.

Yang terpenting dalam Olimpiade bukanlah kemenangan,
tetapi keikutsertaan ...

Yang terpenting dari kehidupan bukanlah kemenangan
namun bagaimana bertanding dengan baik.

Baron Pierre de Coubertin,
Pendiri & Presiden pertama Komite Olimpiade

Kebahagiaan biasanya merupakan hasil dari sebuah

Sebelum tidur, bertanyalah, kebaikan apa yang sudah
kulakukan hari ini ?

taken from:

Jumat, 17 Oktober 2008


When you love someone you'll do anything

You'll do all the crazy things that you can't explain
You'll shoot the moon - put out the sun
When you love someone
You'll deny the truth - believe a lie
There'll be times that you'll believe
You can really fly
But your lonely nights have just begun
When you love someone
When you love someone you'll feel it deep inside
And nothin' else can ever change your mind
When you want someone - when you need someone
When you love someone
When you love someone - you'll sacrifice
You'd give it everything you got and
you won't think twice
You'd risk it all - no matter what may come
When you love someone
You'll shoot the moon - put out the sun
When you love someone

About " Barong Dance"

Barong is probably the most well known dance. It is also another story telling dance, narrating the fight between good and evil. This dance is the classic example of Balinese way of acting out mythology, resulting in myth and history being blended into one reality.

The story goes that Rangda, the mother of Erlangga, the King of Bali in the tenth century, was condemned by Erlangga's father because she practiced black magic. After she became a widow, she summoned all the evil spirits in the jungle, the leaks and the demons, to come after Erlangga. A fight occurred, but she and her black magic troops were too strong that Erlangga had to ask for the help of Barong. Barong came with Erlangga's soldiers, and fight ensued. Rangda casted a spell that made Erlangga soldiers all wanted to kill themselves, pointing their poisoned keris into their own stomachs and chests. Barong casted a spell that turned their body resistant to the sharp keris. At the end, Barong won, and Rangda ran away.

Somebody can die or get seriously injured in a Barong dance. It is said that if Rangda's spell is too strong, a weak soldier may not be able to resist it, even with the help of Barong. He may end up hurting himself with his own keris.

The masks of Barong and Rangda are considered sacred items, and before they are brought out, a priest must be present to offer blessings by sprinkling them with holy water taken from Mount Agung, and offerrings must be presented.

wording taken on

Cremation Ceremony " NGABEN ' in BALI

Ngaben or the Cremation Ceremony is the ritual performed to send the dead through the transition to his next life. The village Kul Kul, hanging in the tower of the village temple, will sound a certain beat to announce the departure of the deceased. The body of the deceased will be placed at Bale Delod, as if he were sleeping, and the family will continue to treat him as if he were still alive yet sleeping. No tears are shed, for he is only gone temporarily and he will reincarnate into the family.

The Priest consults the Dewasa to determine the proper day for the ceremony. On the day of the ceremony, the body of the deceased is placed inside a coffin which is then placed inside a sarcophagus in the form of a buffalo (called Lembu) or a temple structure called Wadah made of paper and light wood. The Wadah will be carried to the village cremation site in a procession.

The climax of Ngaben is the burning of the Wadah, using fire originating from a holy source. The deceased is sent to his afterlife, to be reincarnated in the future.

taken from :

Kamis, 02 Oktober 2008


Decide what you want, believe you can have it, believe you deserve it, and believe it's possible for you.
- Jack Canfield

Anything that makes you fill good is always going to be drawing in more.
- Dr. John Gray

Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there ware only walls.
- Joseph Campbell

Just let the golden, beautiful, powerful, creative nature that you are, flow unobstructed.
- Hale Dwoskin

Learn to become still. And to take your attention away from what you don't want, and all the emotional charge around it, and place your attention on what you wish to experience.
- Michael Beckwith

Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step.
- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

There's something so magnificent about you. And as you love yourself, you'll love others.
- Bob Proctor

What happens is that the happier you are the more everything is added unto you, because you are finding the kingdom of heaven right within you.
- Hale Dwoskin

Whatever we think about and thank about we bring about.
- John F. Demartini

When the voice and the vision on the inside become more profound and more clear and loud than the opinions on the outside, you've mastered your life.
- John F. Demartini

You are the masterpiece of your own life; you are the Michelangelo of your experience. The david that you are sculpting is you. And you do it with your thoughts.
- Dr. Joe Vitale

Your mission is the mission you give yourself. Your life will be what you create it to be and no one will stand in judgment of it, now or ever.
- Neale Donald Walsch

Bob Proctor from The Secret

Bob Proctor, Philosopher

Bob ProctorBob Proctor is one of the teachers on The Secret DVD. Bob Proctor is a philosopher, author, business consultant, entrepreneur and educator who travels the globe extensively, assisting businesses and individuals to create lives of prosperity, abundance and spiritual fulfilment. His contribution to The Secret DVD is a significant one.

"If you see it in your mind, you’re going to hold it in your hand"- Bob Proctor

The LAW OF ATTRACTION is always working, you can never escape it. Everything that comes into your life, you are attracting into your life; and you see, as we understand The Secret, then we can sit down and dictate exactly what we want to come into our life, and with absolute certainty it will arrive.

Let’s stop and think of who we are, what we are. You see, I said I am Bob Proctor. The truth is I’m not really Bob Proctor. Bob and Proctor are two words, that’s my name, but it’s not me. I might look at myself and say this is me, but this isn’t Bob Proctor, this isn’t me either. You’ve never heard anybody phone into work and say ‘Body’s not coming into today, it’s sick’. You’ve never heard anyone say ‘Am hand’ you say ‘My hand’, My name’, ‘My job’. These are the things we have, but it’s not me……

I am a soul, a spirit: non-physical, and I live in this physical body. And I have the ability to dictate the vibration that my mind and body will be in. You see VIBRATION IS A LAW OF THE UNIVERSE. This entire universe operates by law, there are no accidents, and vibration decrees – the law of vibration – that we literally live in an ocean of motion; absolutely nothing rests, everything moves, everything’s vibrating at one speed or another. And we can move into a positive or a negative vibration. We use the word feeling to describe the conscious awareness of the vibration we are in. If you hear a person say “I’m not feeling very well”, what they’re really saying is “I am in a negative vibration”. When you hear a person say “I feel so good”, what they’re really saying is “I’m in a positive vibration”………When you’re in a negative vibration, the only energy you can attract to you is like energy; you’re going to attract negative situations into your life. When you are in a positive vibration, the only thing you can attract into your life are things that are in harmony with you; positive things.


So let’s think about this for a moment. Our body is a molecular structure, it’s a mass of molecules in a very high speed of vibration. Mind is movement, and body is the manifestation of that movement. You and I have the conscious ability to choose the images that we are going to hold in our mind. We tap into an infinite source of supply, and we choose our thoughts. We can pick up other people’s thoughts or we can originate thoughts. And when we bring those thoughts together we create ideas. I can create an idea in my mind of myself having anything I want and then as I take that idea and impress it upon my subconscious mind, which is universal intelligence, I not only affect my body, but I affect this entire universe.

Now I know that most of us have such a small picture, a small image of ourselves, that we have a difficult time believing that we would actually affect the entire universe, but we do. Do you know that thought waves are cosmic waves that penetrate all time and space? And when I think something, I control the vibration I’m in, and when I control the vibration I’m in, I control what I attract into my life. If I want greater wealth, I just have to see it coming into my life. I’ve been given a magnificent imagination, and through the use of my imagination, I can create/originate pictures in my mind. I can see myself in beautiful relationships, I can see myself experiencing wonderful success, I can see money coming to me through multiple sources, on a continuous basis. You see, I dictate what I see……


Viktor Frankl was a Jewish psychiatrist that spent the war years in a concentration camp. Now I don’t suppose anyone has ever experienced more physical and intellectual abuse than those people that were in those camps. But Viktor Frankl pointed out in a marvellous book ‘Man’s Search for Meaning’, that no-one could force him to think something he didn’t want to think. And you know all the great leaders all down through history, as far back as you want to go, have complete and unanimous agreement on one point, that we become what we think about. Now why is that so? Because we have the freedom to think anything we want, we can originate thoughts or we can pick thoughts just out of the ether, and we can internalise those thoughts; we can bring them together and build beautiful ideas, or we can build terrible ideas……

The ideas we build are going to determine the vibration we’re in and the vibration we are in is going to dictate the energy that we attract to us. Now ask yourself what you really want. Think about it for a moment……

  • What kind of relationship do you want?
  • What kind of health do you want to experience?
  • Do you want prosperity?
  • Do you know that you are the architect of your life?

You truly are, and you can tap into this infinite source of supply and it is an infinite source of supply.

I think one of the most magnificent authors of the past 500 years was a man named Thomas Troward. He talked about the spirit of opulence, and he talked about us tapping into the infinite, and he said when you are drawing from the infinite you can never take more than your share. Abundance is your birthright, but understand this: you will never attract into your life something that is not in harmony with you. And so if you want more, if you want greater wealth, greater health, more meaningful relationships, make up your mind right now that you’re going to build the image of what you want, that you’re going to hold on to that image, and that you’re going to stay in that vibration.


Bob Proctor - You Were Born RichThis entire universe is an orderly universe. Energy attracts like energy. So just understand that the good that you want is already here. All you have to do is to get in harmony with it, and you do that through your own thinking. It’s absolutely phenomenal when you stop and think about it. Build the image of the world you want to live in.

Watch the film The Secret over and over again ……to help you alter your conditioning, change your habitual way of thinking, and when you do that you have changed your world. I did that 45 years ago. I was just a young man. I was given a book, and the book helped me establish a purpose for my life, it helped me understand myself. And you’re going to attract according to your belief. Now you might not really believe in yourself, but if you keep studying, you are going to be absolutely amazed with yourself. You see our belief system is based upon our evaluation of something. The more we re-evaluate something, the more our belief about that situation will change. I want you to re-evaluate the laws that govern your being. Start to understand the law of vibration. See how the law of attraction and the law of vibration are really in truth the same law. You can only attract to you the things that vibrate in harmony with you.

visit him at >>>

Rabu, 01 Oktober 2008

The Secret can help you create your perfect life

Hi..below you can find something you can try now.

Just do it, settle yourself in a quiet place and write a list of absolutely everthing you want to create in your ideal life..

Think about your health,

your wealth,

your relationships

Be specific! What do you REALLY want? Start your list with something like:

I am so happy and grateful now that…

"With focused attention and clear intention, my power to manifest is unlimited..."- unknown

You can write as many manifesting points as you like. Put it up somewhere where you can read it every day (The toilet is not a bad place).

Read your list at least once every day, and when this list has all come true, it is time to write a new list.

The power of visualisation

How to make a visualisation board:
1. Cut out pictures of the things you really want in life (from magazines, travel brochures etc.)
2. Pin them up on a board, or glue them on to a big piece of card board.
3. Put it up on a wall where you can see it every day.
4. Start visualising your ideal life!

Read this article about the power of affirmations and visualisation

Another good idea is to make your own screensaver with pictures and words of what you really want. This is for more technically minded people.

Have fun and start creating your perfect life!

visit http://www.the-secret

The law of Attraction ( The SECRET)

The Law of Attraction - How to use it

Whether you realise it or not, right now you are attracting people, jobs, health, wealth and relationships into your life – not all of them good! You get what you think about, whether wanted or unwanted. You are in fact a living magnet. This means that what you are focused on, you bring to yourself. Here's how it works. When you are focused on what you want, you are attracting to yourself what you want. When you are focused on what you do not want, you are attracting to yourself what you do not want. We humans are enormously powerful attractors and we can use this wonderful power or law to attract more of what we want in life – simply by paying attention to where we place our thoughts and desires.

Deliberately use this law to create your future! Have fun with the Law of Attraction, learn to use it daily to manifest your desires.

Joe VitaleJoe Vitale says in The Secret: “So you want to become aware of your thoughts, you want to choose your thoughts carefully and you want to have fun with this, because you are the masterpiece of your own life. You are the Michelangelo of your own life. The David that you are sculpting is you. And you do it with your thoughts”.

Use The Law of Attraction to reach your goals and dreams

How do you reach your goals and dreams using this powerful law? Just practice these basic steps:

1. Be very clear about exactly what you desire – focus on it, write it down in great detail, give it all your positive energy, feel good about it as you dream. When you are putting positive energy into your dreams, you are sending positive vibrations to the Universe. The Universe always responds.

John AssarafJohn Assaraf says in The Secret: “Our job as humans is to hold on to the thoughts of what we want. Make it absolute clear in our minds what we want and from that we start to invoke one of the greatest laws of the universe and that’s the Law of Attraction. You become what you think about most, but you also attract what you think about most”.

2. Visualize your goal – and feel those feelings of excitement about it, emotion raises your vibration to the Universe and will attract back what you want

Michael BeckwithMichael Beckwith says in The Secret: “You can begin right now to feel healthy. You can begin to feel prosperous. You can begin to feel the love that’s surrounding you, even if its not there and what will happen is the universe will correspond to the nature of your song. The universe will correspond to the nature of that inner feeling and manifest because that’s the way you feel”.

Bob ProctorBob Proctor says in The Secret: “See yourself living in abundance and you will attract it. It always works. It works every time, with every person”.

3. Allow yourself to receive – This may seem the hardest part, but let the Universe figure out how your goal can be achieved. Act like you already have it. Have faith. Be grateful. All you need to do is expect it.

Joe Vitale says in The Secret: “And the universe will start to rearrange itself to make it happen for you ..….If you turn it over to the universe you will be surprised and dazzled by what is delivered to you. This is where magic and miracles happen”.

That’s all there is to The Law of Attraction. Always expect your desires. Expect miracles. All this takes is a little practice.

taken from :

Senin, 15 September 2008

Tips and Trick for Listening for a successful Communication

It's not easy to be a good listener. Here are a few elements to ensure you do an effective communication..
  1. Listening VS Hearing : Hearing is done without any active participation. Listening is a mental exercise requiring active & conscientious participation
  2. Demonstrating Empathy : Empathy is one of the main characteristics of a good listener. To respond appropriately, the listener must "read" the messenger & his message.
  3. Shutting Out the Environment :To center his attention on the messenger, the listener must concentrate & avoid distraction.
  4. Make the message meet : A common problem with having an effective conversation is when each one of the participants is trying to say something different.
Effective communication requires an empathy, open mind, and availability that the modern world does not always permit.
It's the task of both messenger & listener to create conditions that make real communications possible.

" Too often we underestimate the power of touch, a smile,a kind word,a listening ear, an honest compliment , or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around " (Leo Buscaglia,American Author1924-1998)

Taken from Manager Mentor at Aston Denpasar Hotel & Convention Center
Conducted by Ms. Maggy, Aston International Indonesia

Jumat, 12 September 2008

Dedicated for someone special..

What's wrong with You ?
I really don't know why are you acting like this ??
Even I can not figure it out...
is it something I missed,dear ?

When our lips touch
You feel so fine
I'm alive within your presence
Wishing you were all mine

I want you
But not as you want me
And if I let you go
I know you'd set me free

I can't help myself
I can't help the way I feel
Feelings deep within my soul
Feelings that are so real

Please give us more time
To allow your love to grow
Maybe someday soon
These feelings you too will know

I gave you my heart
You broke it in two
I thought you were special
And your heart was true

I'm not sure now
What I should do
Because I still
Have feelings for you,
I have love for you...,
for our princesses..

My heart tells me
To stick it out
My mind says that's
Not what it's about

Do I risk getting hurt again
And go with my heart
Or should I listen to my mind
And with you I should part

I'm torn between my
Heart and my mind
I'm not sure with you
True love I can find


P.S. I LoVe YoU..(dedicated to My Soulmate..)

Could tell a LOVE

Well here go
my big plans
to build up this fortress into the clouds
it's made up of my love
and my heart and my blood
we'll make it out

Can I stand with the weight of the world?
Here I stand with the weight of the world
And this is all I've got

I'll make it now or not
It's made up of my love
I've fought so hard to fade
Our lives are meant to make
That's how it goes (it goes)

I wont't fall down
my heart still pounds
I'm breathing now
I won't fall down

by : N/A

Jumat, 05 September 2008

What is yours?

VIRGO - The Perfectionist

Dominant in relationships. Conservative. Always wants the last word. Argumentative. Worries. Very smart. Dislikes noise and chaos. Eager. Hardworking. Loyal. Beautiful. Easy to talk to. Hard to please. Practical and very fussy. Often shy. Pessimistic.

SCORPIO - The Intense One

Very energetic. Intelligent. Can be jealous and/or possessive. Hardworking. Great kisser. Can become obsessive or secretive. Holds grudges. Attractive. Determined. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative. Romantic. Can be self-centered at times. Passionate and Emotional.

LIBRA - The Harmonizer

Nice to everyone they meet. Can't make up their mind. Have own unique appeal. Creative, energetic, and very social. Hates to be alone. Peaceful, generous. Very loving and beautiful. Flirtatious. Give in too easily. Procrastinators. Very gullible.

ARIES - TheDaredevil

Energetic. Adventurous and spontaneous. Confident and enthusiastic. Fun. Loves a challenge. EXTREMELY impatient. Sometimes selfish. Short fuse. (easily angered.) Lively, passionate, and sharp wit. Outgoing. Lose interest quickly - easily bored. Egotistical. Courageous and assertive. Tends to be physical and athletic.

AQUARIUS - The Sweetheart

Optimistic and honest. Sweet personality. Very independent. Inventive and intelligent. Friendly and loyal. Can seem unemotional. Can be a bit rebellious. Very stubborn, but original and unique Attractive on the inside and out. Eccentric personality.

GEMINI - The Chatterbox

Smart and witty. Outgoing, very chatty. Lively, energetic. Adaptable but needs to express themselves. Argumentative and outspoken. Likes change. Versatile. Busy, sometimes nervous and tense. Gossips. May seem superficial or inconsistent, But is only changeable. Beautiful physically and mentally.

LEO - The Boss

Very organized. Need order in their lives - like being in control. Like boundaries. Tend to take over everything. Bossy. Like to help others. Social and outgoing. Extroverted. Generous, warm-hearted. Sensitive. Creative energy. Full of themselves. Loving. D oing the right thing is important to Leos. Attractive.

CANCER - The Protector

Moody, emotional. May be shy. Very loving and caring. Pretty/handsome. Excellent partners for life. Protective. Inventive and imaginative. Cautious. Touchy-feely kind of person. Needs love from others. Easily hurt, but sympathetic.

PISCES - The Dreamer

Generous, kind, and thoughtful. Very creative and imaginative. May become secretive and vague. Sensitive. Don't like details Dreamy and unrealistic. Sympathetic and loving. Kind. Unselfish. Good kisser. Beautiful.

CAPRICORN - The Go-Getter

Patient and wise. Practical and rigid. Ambitious. Tends to be good-looking. Humorous and funny. Can be a bit shy and reserved. Often pessimists. Capricorns tend to act before they think and can be unfriendl y at times. Hold grudges. Like competition. Get what they want.

TAURUS - The Enduring One

Charming but aggressive. Can come off as boring, but ! they are not. Hard workers. Warm-hearted. Strong, has endurance. Solid beings who are stable and secure in their ways. Not looking for shortcuts. Take pride in their beauty. Patient and reliable. Make great friends and give good advice. Loving and kind. Loves hard - passionate. Express themselves emotionally. Prone to ferocious temper-tantrums. Determined. Indulge themselves often. Very generous.

SAGITTARIUS - The Happy-Go-Lucky One

Good-natured optimist. Doesn't want to grow up (Peter Pan Syndrome). Indulges self. Boastful. Likes luxuries and gambling. Social and outgoing. Doesn't like responsibilities. Often fantasizes. Impatient. Fun to be around. Having lots of friends. Flirtatious. Doesn't like rules. Sometimes hypocritical. Dislikes being confined ! - tight spaces or even tight clothes. Doesn't like being doubted . Beautiful inside and out.

Just about love...

jika ia sebuah cinta..... ia tidak mendengar... namun senantiasa bergetar....

jika ia sebuah cinta.....
ia tidak buta.. namun senantiasa melihat dan merasa..

jika ia sebuah cinta..... ia tidak menyiksa.. namun senantiasa menguji..

jika ia sebuah cinta..... ia tidak memaksa.. namun senantiasa berusaha..

jika ia sebuah cinta..... ia tidak cantik.. namun senantiasa menarik..

jika ia sebuah cinta.....
ia tidak datang dengan kata-kata.. namun senantiasa menghampiri dengan hati..

jika ia sebuah cinta..... ia tidak terucap dengan kata.. namun senantiasa hadir dengan sinar mata..

jika ia sebuah cinta.....
ia tidak hanya berjanji.. namun senantiasa mencoba memenangi..

jika ia sebuah cinta.....
ia mungkin tidak suci.. namun senantiasa tulus..

jika ia sebuah cinta.....
ia tidak hadir karena permintaan.. namun hadir karena ketentuan...

jika ia sebuah cinta..... ia tidak hadir dengan kekayaan dan kebendaan... namun hadir karena pengorbanan dan kesetiaan..

CINTAILAH pasangan anda, seperti anda INGIN DICINTAI olehnya… SETIALAH pada pasangan anda, seperti anda INGIN MENDAPATKAN KESETIAANNYA.

Rabu, 27 Agustus 2008

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Jumat, 22 Agustus 2008

Various Blood Type Diet

Based on Dr. Peter DÁdamo, the author of Eat Right For Your Type, a chemical reaction occurs between your blood and the foods you eat. This reaction is part of your genetic inheritance. This reaction is caused by a factor called Lectins. Lectins, abundant and diverse proteins found in foods, have agglutinating properties that affect your blood. So when you eat a food containing protein lectins that are incompatible with your blood type antigen, the lectins target an organ or bodily system and begin to agglutinate blood cells in that area. Different lectins target different organs and body system.
Fortunately, most lectins found in the diet are not quite so life threatening, although they can cause a variety of other problems, especially if they are specific to a particular blood type. For the most part your immune systems protect you from lectins. Ninety-five percent of the lectins you absorb from your typical diets are sloughed off by the body. But at least five percent of the lectins you eat are filtered into the bloodstream and different reactions in different organs.

Your blood type diet is the restoration of your natural genetic rhythm. Your blood type diet works because you are able to follow a clear, logical, scientifically researched plan based on your cellular profile. Each food groups are divided into three categories: Highly beneficial ( food that acts like Medicine), Foods allowed (food that are no harm to the blood type) and Foods not allowed (food that acts like a Poison)
Below is a summary of the various Blood Type Diet and detail plan of each one according to Dr. DÁdamo that I have read on his book " Eat Right for your type "

Type A :
Diet profile : Vegetarian
Food Allowed : Vegetables,Tofu,Seafood,grains,beans,legumes, fruit
Limited : NONE
Food to avoid for weight Loss Purpose : Meat, dairy, kidney beans, lima beans,wheat
Food that help with Weight Loss : Vegetables oil, Soy foods,vegetables, pineapples

Type O
Diet Profile : High Protein and Meats eaters
Food Allowed : Meats, fish,vegetables,fruit
Limited : Grains, beans,legumes
Food to avoid for weight Loss Purpose : Wheat,Corn,Kidney beans, lentils,cabbages,cauliflower
Food that help with Weight Loss : Seafood,salt, liver,red meat , spinach, broccoli

Type B
Diet Profile : Balanced Omnivore
Food Allowed : Meat ( no Chicken),Dairy,grains,beans,vegetables, fruits,legumes
Food to avoid for weight Loss Purpose : Corn, lentil, peanuts,sesame,seeds,wheat
Food that help with Weight Loss : Greens, eggs,liver,licorice,tea,venison

Type AB
Diet Profile : Mixed diet in moderation
Allowed : Meat,seafood,dairy, tofu,beans,legumes,grains,vegetables, fruit
Food to avoid for weight Loss Purpose : Red meat, kidney beans,seeds,corn,buckwheat
Food to avoid forWeight Loss : Tofu,seafood,dairy,greens,kelp,pineapple

Rabu, 13 Agustus 2008

Learn how to speak Balinese

English version---------------------------Balinese Version

1. What is your name ?-------------------1. Sire parabane ?

2. Where are you come from ?----------- 2. Saking napi ?

3. Where do you stay ?------------------ 3. Ring dije megenah ?

4. I am hungry-------------------------- 4. Titiang keluen

5. Have you eat ?----------------------- 5. Sampun ngerayunang?

6. I am very tired-----------------------6.Titiang lesu pisan

7. Where are you going ?----------------7. Jagi lunga kija (e) ?

8. I am from Bali------------------------8. Tiang saking Bali

9. Are you married ? -------------------9. Jerone sampun merabian ?

10. Can I have a cup of Coffee ? -------- 10. Dados Titiang nunas wedang ?

Have a great day. See you on the next session.

Do you know about Penjor ?

Most of ceremonial in Bali always use Penjor. In temples, wedding celebration or even some special event held in Bali. Penjor could be put at entrance of special event as a meaning for " Selamat Datang " and also decorations. For Galungan and Kuningan, hindus people should made a penjor to celebrate the days and also put some offering to the GOD. Not many people know what is penjor for. I have read some article at Might be we can share.

PENJOR is the symbol of Mount Agung and also the symbol of the presence of the God. It is made from a long bamboo pole with its curved end, and decorated with rice paddies, corn on the cob, coconut, cakes, a piece of white or yellow cloth, etc. This as a sign for reminding the human that everything we enjoy in this world is from the God.
Penjor is usually made on Penampahan Galungan (a day before the Galungan Day). It is the symbol of Mount Agung, and also as gratitude for the agricultural produce. Mount Agung is the symbol of holiness as a connection to Mount Semeru, Mount Himalaya, or Mahameru, which is believed as the place where Bhatara Putra Jaya stays.
We can be happy and celebrate for everything that we enjoy. But, the celebration must be based on dharma or holy bible. Happiness must always tend to the limits of ethics, such as holding art performance, literature night, or sport activities, etc.
We must leave the old ways, which is not based on 'susila' teachings (rules of good conduct). And the realization of those activities must be based on desa (place), 'kala' (time), and 'patra' (situation).

Meaning of Galungan & Kuningang Day

Most of us, even as Hindus people didn't know definite of Galungan and Kuningan day. Below we can find some of decriptions of them, here you are ..

1. Wrespathi Wage Sungsang, is called Sugimanek Jawa, the day of the arrival of the Gods accompanied by the ancestors on earth. On this day Pengerebon offering and puspa wewangian (fragance flowers) are dedicated to the Gods and ancestors in the family shrine.
2. Sukra Keliwon Sungsang, is called Sugimanek Bali, a special day to purify ourselves. Purifying us from the influence of worldly things. On this day it is suggested to visit temples (matirtha yatra) for praying and learning more deeply about the holy teachings of the bible.
3. Saniscara Umanis Sungsang, is a preparation day for the next day. Preparing one to face the 'test' mentally and physically in peace, patience, alertness and devotion.
4. Panyekeban/Panapean, Redite Pahing Dungulan is a day when the Hindus started to do a meditation (yoga semadhi), because on this day Sang Kala Tiga Wisesa came as Bhuta Galungan, to tempt the human's mind. Starts from Redite, Soma, and Anggara Wuku Dungulan as the coming of Bhuta Galungan, Bhuta Dungulan, and Bhuta Amangkurat. On this day people is also start to make cakes and keep the materials for Galungan day such as tape (a kind of Balinese snack) to ripen.
5. Penampahan, Anggara Wage Dungulan, is a day when temptation comes from Bhuta Amangkurat. If we were not in alert and weak, it would succeed in tempting us. On this day Bhuta Yadnya is held in Catuspata, caru in the houseyard, segehan offering based on urip and direction, dedicated to Sang Bhuta Galungan.
6. Galungan, Budha Keliwon Dungulan is the day to have fun, the victory day after facing the 'test' mentally and physically from Sang Bhuta Galungan or the victory of the Good (Dharma) upon Evil (Adharma). On this day offerings are dedicated to the God and the ancestors who come down to earth.
7. Umanis Galungan, Wrespathi Umanis Galungan is the celebration day, and the Hindus can enjoy His blessings. The offerings are replaced with new ones and art performance is usually held and can be enjoyed by everyone.
8. Pahing Galungan, Sukra Pahing Dungulan, the day when we are still in alert with pure heart.
9. Pamaridan Guru, Saniscara Pon Dungulan, is the day when the God gives us prosperity. On this day, the Hindus usually visit the temples (tirthayatra).
10. Ulihan, Redithe Wage Kuningan, is the day when we commemorate the ancestors who has left us and continue their duty to fight for the truth (dharma)
11. Pamacekan Agung, Soma Keliwon Kuningan, is the day to pray for good will and the purity of the heart, because pemacekan day comes from the word 'pacek', which means the middle, i.e. the day between Galungan and Kuningan (5 days after Galungan and 5 days before Kuningan). The Philosophy is we are in the middle of the purity of the heart. On this day Segehan Agung offering is placed in front of the main gate.
12. Anggara Umanis Kuningan, is the preparation of Kuningan Day.
13. Pujawali Bhatara Wisnu, Budha Pahing Kuningan is the day when the protector of the world, God Wisnu comes to the earth. The Hindus on this day should pray for the maintenance of the universe.
14. Wrespathi Pon Kuningan, is a preparation day for Kuningan.
15. Penampahan Kuningan, Sukra Wage Kuningan is a day to prepare everything, especially the offering for Kuningan Day.
16. Tumpek Kuningan, Saniscara Keliwon Kuningan, is the day when the Gods accompanied by the ancestors come to visit the earth, but only until noon (12.00). On this day the Hindus are suggested to do self-introspection by doing a meditation for human's prosperity. The offerings on this day are selanggi, tebog, endongan, that decorates the house. Segehan Agung is placed on the house yard, and offerings for the family members are also served such as prayascita lewih, sesayut segan kuning, iwak itik putih, and penyeneng.
17. Pegat Wakan, Budha Keliwon Pahang, is the end of meditation that has been done for 42 days (from Sugimanek Jawa until Budha Keliwon Pahang). On this day the Hindus are dedicating sesayut dirghayusa and penyeneng offerings to the Supreme God, Hyang Widhi Wasa.


Selasa, 12 Agustus 2008

Galungan and Kuningan in Bali

Hindus people in Bali will celebrate Galungan and Kuningan Day soon ( 19 August 2007 and 30 August 2008). As usual Galungan Day is celebrated every Budha Kliwon Dungulan. Galungan Day has a meaning "Pawedalan Jagat" or the earth's celebration. On this day the Hindus thank the God for the creation of the earth and its content. On this day the Hindus feel grateful for His blessings. There is a story about Galungan which is related with Mayadenawa.

Once upon a time, there was a powerful King called Mayadenawa. Mayadenawa was a descendant of daitya (powerful giant), the son of Dewi Danu. Because of his power he can transformed himself into many kinds of creatures and forms.
This King ruled the area of Makasar, Sumbawa, Bugis, Lombok, and Blambangan. Because of his great power, Mayadenawa became snobbish and cruel. In this period a priest with divine power, called Mpu Kulputih. Mayadenawa did not allow the Balinese to worship the God, and he destroyed all the temples.
Because of this the people of Bali became desperate, the plants were destroyed, plaque was everywhere. The people did not dare to fight back or argue the order of Mayadenawa because of his magical power.
Mpu Kulputih was so sad to see this condition. Then he meditated at Pura Besakih to ask for the God's guidance to handle the chaos of Bali society caused by the King's behavior. Then he got guidance from the God Mahadewa to go to Jambu Dwipa (India) and ask for help.
It is not clear about who was finally sent to India, and how was it until a platoon of troops from heaven came to attack Mayadenawa. It was said that the God Indra led the troops from heaven, with complete weapons to Bali. In that attack Citrasena and Citragada led the platoon in the right wing.
Sang Jayantaka led the left wing, whereas Gandarwa led the main platoon. Bhagawan Narada was sent to investigate Mayadenawa's palace. Mayadenawa has known the attack from the troop of Bhatara Indra, because he had many spies.
Therefore, he prepared his troop to face the attack from the troops of heaven. A war cannot be avoided, a dreadful war that caused many victims from the both side.
But, because the troop of Bhatara indra was stronger, finally Mayadenawa's troops fled and left the King and his assistance, who is called Si Kala Wong. Good luck was with Mayadenawa and his assistance because the war had to be stopped, because the night has come.
At night, when the troops from heaven were still asleep, Mayadenawa came and created water with poison in it near the beds of the troops from heaven. Then, he left that place, and in order not left any trail, he walked with the sides of his feet.
That place later is called Tampak Siring. The next day the troop from heaven woke up from their sleep and drank the water that has been created by Mayadenawa. All of the members of the troops became sick.
Bhatara Indra found out about this, then he created another source of water called 'Tirta Empul'. Because of this source of water, the sick troops became well. The flow of the water from Tirta Empul became a river called Tukad Pakerisan.
Bhatara Indra and his troop chased Mayadenawa who had run away with his assistance. In his flight Mayadenawa transformed himself into 'manuk raya' (a big bird). This place later is known as Manukaya village.
Mayadenawa could not trick the powerful Bhatara Indra. Mayadenawa transformed himself several times into 'buah timbul', 'busung', 'susuh', 'bidadari' and finally turned himself into a stone called Si Kala Wong. Bhatara Indra shoots it with an arrow till he died.
His blood kept on flowing and became a river called Petanu. This river is cursed. If it used to water the rice field, the rice paddies would grow rapidly, but when harvested blood would came out of it and smell bad. This cursed will end in 1000 years.
The village where Mayadenawa transformed himself into 'timbul' fruit, later is known as Timbul village, the place where he transformed into 'busung' (young coconut leaf) is called Blusung village, the place where he transformed himself into susuh is called Penyusuhan village, and the place where he transformed into a fairy, later is called Kedewatan village (Ubud).
The death of the King Mayadenawa is the victory of the good (dharma) upon evil (adharma). This victory day is celebrated every six months (6x35 days=210 days), which is called Galungan Day. It is called Galungan, probably because it is celebrated on wuku Galungan (based on the Balinese calendar), and so does Kuningan Day that falls on wuku Kuningan.
The celebration of Galungan dan Kuningan is started on Tumpek Wariga or Tumpek Pengarah, the preparation for Galungan and Kuningan, until Budha Keliwon Pahang or also called as Budha Keliwon Pegat Wakan.
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History Balikoe

It is believed that Bali's first inhabitants came from China at the beginning of the Iron Age, around 3000 BC. Some Buddhist inscriptions date from the 9th century AD, but it was only in the 11th century that the Hindu influence, omnipresent in Java, made its mark on the island. Under the reign of King Airlangga, cultural exchanges between the two islands were developed. In the 13th century, the son of king Kertanegara founded the Majapahit dynasty which flourished for three centuries. At the end of this time, chased by the arrival of Islam, the Javanese aristocracy, its nobles, priests, artists and artisans fled to Bali. During this era, the island enjoyed an intense period of cultural development, the main traits of which are to be found today in the caste system, the rituals and certain artistic styles.

The first Dutch seamen landed in Bali in 1597. The settlement and colonization process, which actually only started in 1800, was marked by troubled times and climaxed with the "Puputan" or collective suicide of the 14th of September 1906, when 4000 Balinese killed themselves rather than capitulate.

The Japanese occupation, from 1942 to 1945, hindered the Dutch sovereignty. 0n the 17th of August 1945, Sukarno, the first President of the Republic of Indonesia, proclaimed independence. In Bali, at the battle of Marga in 1946 the Dutch, who did not recognize the declaration of independence, faced a group of 94 soldiers led by Lt. Col. I Gusti Ngurah Rai, who refused to surrender. The Bali international airport is named after him. In 1949, the Dutch finally withdrew. Taken from