Rabu, 01 Oktober 2008

The Secret can help you create your perfect life

Hi..below you can find something you can try now.

Just do it, settle yourself in a quiet place and write a list of absolutely everthing you want to create in your ideal life..

Think about your health,

your wealth,

your relationships

Be specific! What do you REALLY want? Start your list with something like:

I am so happy and grateful now that…

"With focused attention and clear intention, my power to manifest is unlimited..."- unknown

You can write as many manifesting points as you like. Put it up somewhere where you can read it every day (The toilet is not a bad place).

Read your list at least once every day, and when this list has all come true, it is time to write a new list.

The power of visualisation

How to make a visualisation board:
1. Cut out pictures of the things you really want in life (from magazines, travel brochures etc.)
2. Pin them up on a board, or glue them on to a big piece of card board.
3. Put it up on a wall where you can see it every day.
4. Start visualising your ideal life!

Read this article about the power of affirmations and visualisation

Another good idea is to make your own screensaver with pictures and words of what you really want. This is for more technically minded people.

Have fun and start creating your perfect life!

visit http://www.the-secret

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